Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Birth Defect Fragile X Luz L

Pawz Movie
by: claudiaaranda

Birth Defect Marfan Syndrome Claudia

Pawz Movie
by: claudiaaranda

Birth Defect Scoliosis Jasmine

Pawz Movie- Scoliosis
by: Jasmin.Baquera

Birth Defect FAS Walker Justin S

Oprah and FAS
by: walkervinson

Birth Defects - Cerebal Palsy Justin G

Cerebral Palsy
by: justingoble

G-1 Fertility Awareness Clarity

Futbol Movie
by: ClarityK

G-1 Birth Control Poll GeLynn

Colorz Movie
by: GeLynnCook

G-1 Birth Control Patch Jasmine C

birth control patch
by: Jasmine405

G-1 Morning After Pill Olivia

Homeboyz Movie
by: Olivia452

G-1 Implants Nancy

Peepz Movie
by: nancycastroo

G-1 Diaphragm Jasmine T

Stikz Movie
by: jasminetabares

G-1 Outercourse Withdrawl Shelby/Emily

by: switt21

G-1 NuVa Ring Michelle

Stikz Movie
by: michellefranco

G-1 IUD Callie

Peepz Movie
by: peters_callie

G-1 Depo Vera Danielle

by: dgemes0

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Nu-Va Ring

Celebz Movie
by: abbs1


by: pickle44

Cervical Caps

Cervucal Caps - Celeste and Kyle


Stikz Movie
by: ana_garcia07


Hannah - Vasectomy
Connor - Male Condoms

Historical Figurez Movie
by: benjaminweishaar

Peepz Movie
by: daishaendsley

Morning After Pill --Tierra
Birth Control Implant

Terrorz Movie
by: pizza01

Breastfeeding - Sarah
Chenell - Outercourse
Diaphragm - Mariah/Yaneth

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Birth Defect Turner Syndrome Adrianne Roberts

Girl, you got Turner Syndrome!!
by: thisskiddcraa

Birth Defect Albinism Wes Robertson

by: W_Robertson_10

Birth Defect: Achrondroplasia Matthew Beans

Stikz Movie 2
by: Beaninator

Birth Defect: Osteogenesis Imperfecta Alyssa Ardis

Stikz Movie
by: alyssa.ardis

Birth Defect Jacinda

Stikz Movie
by: Jaaaacinda

Birth Defect: Thalassemia Cheyenne and Katie

by: cheykatie

Birth Defect: Hearing Impairment Olivia Jou

Hearing Impairment Birth Defect
by: OliviaJou

Birth Defect Tay Sachs Corissa Bristow

tay sachs
by: corijean

Klinefelter's Syndrome

Pawz Movie
by: chelsolynlarsen

Futbol Movie
by: alondramoreno

Brittany Pappada

Stikz Movie
by: brittanypappada

Birth Defect Poland's Syndrome Emily Schrage
Birth Defect Cleft Palate Sonia Gloria
Callyne Brown Birth Defects Sickle Cell Anemia

Celebz Movie
by: morris4468

Birth Defect - Muscular Dystrophy - Jack D

Thursday, September 13, 2012

chlamydia by sarahnicole_14 on GoAnimate

Animated Presentations
Genital Herpes by hannah_jayne on GoAnimate

Video Maker Scabies by tahull96

Like it? Create your own at
Aids by KalebRenk on GoAnimate

Mycoplasma genitalium by ana.renteria87 on GoAnimate

Animated Presentations
Abby and Lily by adominguez274 on GoAnimate

Video Maker Trichomoniasis+part1 by TINKERBaLL10

Like it? Create your own at trichomoniasis+part+2 by TINKERBaLL10

Like it? Create your own at

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life Span Class

Unit 1 Assessment
       Don't Forget to study the objectives at the beginning of Chapter 1, 2, and 3.  You will need to use vocabulary words to discuss what you learned about the objectives! 
  Here are some sites to study from: 
                       Chapter 1:
                       Chapter 2:
                        Chapter 3:

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Future Teachers

Here are some interesting Blogs you may want to check out! 

For Education News:

For Digital classroom ideas:

To focus on creativity, innovation, collaboration, technology, and elearning:

Intro To Teaching

Adjusting our learning after a reflection of chapter 1and our text.  We decided to do a webquest and Voki to interact with the next chapter! 

Parenting Class Assessment

We've spent the first weeks of school getting to know each other and discussing:  vlaues, morals, needs, and communication that makes successful families.  Now it is time for an ASSESSMENT!  Be ready on Tuesday/Wednesday to show me what you have learned!  Remember to review the objectives in Chapter 17, 18, 19, 2, and 6.